Monday, May 26, 2008

Translation: Afrikaans goes English :-)

honour recently expressed an interest in reading a translation of one of my Afrikaans poems. Although I do write in two languages, I have to confess that my heart beats in Afrikaans (my mother tongue), and it is my preferred writing medium. What follows is a translation of my poem "My hart is ‘n see" that I posted on May 3.

My heart is an ocean

My heart is an ocean,
I told you one night.
The waves of emotions
still break on the rocks
and beaches of my mind.

I knew that if you dived into it
you'd have to swim or sink.
But you chose
- fortunately for you -
to go away
- far away.

Away from the waves of my heart;
away from the salt of my waters.

Forever away from the altars of water in my soul.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Winter state of mind

The clouds in the sky today
herald the coming of the cold.
Just for today,
they've covered my soul, too.

Covered it in white cloudy fluffiness;
not warm nor cold,
but cool
- a factual reminder
that winter is on his way.

Winter with his cold hands;
Winter with his frosty touch;
Winter that smiles a snow-white smile
of perfect teeth.

The same Winter that inspires
warm fires and thick soup;
red wine and cosy cuddles;
long coats and fluffy scarves.

Winter that contrarily is able to wrap the warmth of coffee
comfortably around my autumn heart.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Waar jy human word

Ek ken jou nie
tot jy naderkom en ek jou kan sien
ek ken jou nie
tot ons sit en gesels.
Jou hande maak praatjies,
jou mond glimlag,
en steeds ken ek jou nog nie,
want totdat die tyd met my en jou padvat
sal ek ook nie jou ken nie
maar eendag gaan ek uitkom waar jy human word.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My hart is ‘n see

My hart is ‘n see,
het ek een aand vir jou gesê.
Die branders van voel
breek nog steeds teen die rotse
en strande van my kop.

Ek het geweet as jy jou daarin begewe
sal jy moet swem of sink.
Maar jy het
- gelukkig vir jou -
gekies om weg te gaan
- ver weg.

Weg van die golwe van my hart;
weg van die sout van my waters.
Vir ewig weg van die wateraltare van my siel.